Nico Taeymans is no stranger to lovers of fine jewellery. Antwerp Pride is therefore very pleased that, in addition to a work of art, he has also designed a ring for Antwerp Pride .
Nico Taeymans and his wife Nadja have long been supportive of our rainbow family. Nadja says that the book 'Julian' by Fleur Pierets really affected her. The sympathetic couple was shocked that the acceptance of LGBTQIA + people can still be so difficult. This is how they came up with the idea of committing themselves to Antwerp Pride.

Nico designed a ring with the inscription #notjustwords. This ring, made of tin, should be a reminder of this year's Antwerp Pride, they emphasize. "It's not so much that people will buy 'a Nico Taeymans', but a ring that refers to the Antwerp Pride in 2021," Nadja continues.
Do you want to buy this special gem? Then hurry to the Antwerp Pride Village or the webshop. What's new this year: whoever becomes 'Friend of the Pride' immediately receives the ring as a gift!
Nico's commitment inspired him to create a work of art for Antwerp Pride. What that will be is still a secret, but the work will be revealed during the opening night of Antwerp Pride. “What happens to the artwork afterwards is still open. We hope it will take on a life of its own,” said Nadja.
“This is also exciting for us, because Nico is now also coming out as an artist and not just as a jewelery designer. "Anyone who knows Nico Taeymans' work knows that it can only be a success."
The rings are for sale in the Antwerp Pride Village and via the Antwerp Pride webshop. The proceeds go to the organization of Antwerp Pride.
The edition is limited.
Would you like to get to know Nico's work better? Then surf to or follow @nicotaeymans on Instagram.