Ethical Charter
Latest revision: May 2023
Introduction is the digital representation of Antwerp Pride Vzw, with registered office at Draakplaats 1, 2018 Antwerp. This digital representation is referred to in this Ethics Charter as "this Website" or "Site".
The "AP Network" refers to Antwerp Pride Vzw, its affiliated organizations, and its affiliated entities.
Antwerp Pride Asbl, is the entity within the AP Network that provides this Website and is hereinafter referred to by the terms "Antwerp Pride," "AP," "we," "us," or "our." Although parts of this Ethics Charter may refer to other entities within the AP network, this Ethics Charter applies only between you and us and not between you and those other entities.
This Ethics Charter may be supplemented or amended from time to time. When we make changes, we will update the revision date listed above, and the updated or amended version will apply to you and your information as of the revision date. We recommend that you review this Ethics Charter periodically so that you are always aware of how we are protecting your data.
If you have any questions about this Ethics Charter, please contact webmaster services using the "contact us" link.
Rights of the LGBTQI+ community
Actively fight for equal rights and equal treatment for LGBTQIA+ people in Belgium and around the world. - actively combat all forms of discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, sexual characteristics or gender expression. - actively combat homo-, lesbo-, bi-, trans-, intersex- and serophobia.
Education of society
The mission to preserve, transmit and educate Belgian and European civil society, to contribute to the construction and defence of the latter as a democratic space.
Supporting a democratic rule of law
The mission to preserve, transmit and educate Belgian and European civil society, to contribute to the construction and defence of the latter as a democratic space
Building bridges and acceptance of people
Building and strengthening relationships in a society often plagued by fragmentation and partisan interests.
5. Organiseren van initiatieven
Het organiseren en/of ondersteunen van culturele, educatieve, activistische en sportieve initiatieven doen we steeds vanuit een positieve, oplossingsgerichte en verbindende houding, met grote empathie voor minderheden en groepen die het risico lopen gemarginaliseerd te worden.
7. Antwerp Pride
Contribute to the communication and support of Antwerp Pride & it's theme
Human Rights
In general terms, the signatory refers to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and clearly rejects any form of discrimination on the grounds described in Belgian discrimination law, namely: - nationality, presumed race, skin colour, origin, ethnic origin, nationality, age, gender, disability, religion or belief, marital status, birth, means, political affiliation, current or future health status, physical or genetic properties, social origin, gender identity, gender expression, sex, language or trade union beliefs.
Acceptance and termination
If you agree and verify that you or your organization, event, competition or project is in line with this Ethical Charter, you commit yourself to follow the aforementioned principles and to actively promote these principles.
If Antwerp Pride Vzw comes to the conclusion that you do not follow or actively promote the aforementioned principles, AP has the right to immediately terminate the cooperation and to share this both internally and externally.
This cancellation does not entitle you to reimbursement for costs already incurred to be recovered from Antwerp Pride Vzw. Furthermore, Antwerp Pride Vzw is also not liable for damage of any other applicable duty of care, regardless of the legal basis thereof, that has arisen through the cooperation, the termination, the communication of the termination or any factors that are related to the aforementioned situations.
Questions of visitors
If you have any questions or concerns about this Ethics Charter, please let our spokesperson know via the "contact us" link under the "Press" heading.