Event Submission
Are you organising an event during Pride week?
Amazing! Let's make Antwerp the most colourful city in the country!
Fully fill in the registration form found below and after verification, you'll be able to find your event on our Events-page.
Personal Information
First some info about you. This info is not publicly available.
Specific Information
This Information ensures that your event end up on the right spot.
Therefore we sometimes ask the information in duplicate.
Official Pride Event *
Partner Event *
Only pre-verified Partners can utilise this tag.
If this tag is nonetheless selected without the aforementioned status the event will be directly denied.
Gratis Event *
Only Free events can utilise this tag. Also payment at the door tickets makes you a payed event and excludes you from this tag.
Select all types which apply to your event
based on the previous made choices
Select all types which apply to your event​
Select all dates which apply to your event​
Event Information
This Information ensures that the public will see the correct info for your event
Start Time
We advise a 1920 x 1080 px .png file of max 15Mb
Website where tickets can be bought, reservations can be made or more info can be found for the event.
Word that best describes the above inserted website
Short public name which the public can search on to find your organisation and so your event
We advise a 250 x 250 px .png file of max 5Mb
Website of the organisation
Facebook of the organisation where people can find more information (optional)
Instagram of the organisation where people can find more information (optional)
Email of the organisation where people can contact the organisation for more information (optional)
End Time
Event Address *
What is the name of the location where the event takes place
Event Information *
We advise 250 x 250 px .png files of max 5Mb a piece
Event Verification
I hereby accept that the above inserted information is shared internally within the Antwerp Pride Vzw
I hereby verify that that above mentioned event proposal is in line with the norms and values of the Antwerp Pride
All Verifications must be accepted before the event can be submitted
After submittion, please wait this a verification message pops up before closing the page.
Thank you for registering, you will receive a confirmation email when we have evaluated the application.